


Michie Yoshizawa

Name 名前
吉澤 美千江(ヨシザワ ミチエ)
Maiden name: Shimizu 旧姓:清水
Surfing History サーフィン暦
29 years 29年
In charge of 担当
Surfing, Long board, Body board サーフィン・ロングボード・ボディーボード
Licence ライセンス
Instructor for the Japan Official Surfing Union, Marine Safety Instructor. 日本サーフィン連盟公認指導員、海上安全指導員
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A top pro surfer who has in her formal career gained many merits beginning with a win in the All Japan JPSA (Japanese Professional Surfing Assocciation) competition and a Rookie of the Year Award from the Association of Surfing Professionals etc. And she is also an internationally famous big waver. A woman with an abundance of experience, she is also kind and popular within the school.
`Why not start fun surfing at gorgeous Shirahama Beach? Leave the lesson to me, even the private and kids lessons. I`m awaiting your arrival.` 現役時代は、JPSA全日本プロでの優勝を始め、ASP新人賞などを獲得した、トッププロサーファー。また、トラベルサーファーとしても有名なビックウェーバー。経験豊富な女性ならではの優しいスクールは大好評です。

Ryuichi Tsuchiya

Name 名前
土屋 竜一(ツチヤ リュウイチ)
Surfing History サーフィン暦
25 years 25年
In charge of 担当
Surfing, Long board サーフィン・ロングボード
Licence ライセンス
Instructor for the Japan Official Surfing Union, Marine Safety Instructor. 日本サーフィン連盟公認指導員、海上安全指導員
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He has a very friendly personality and therefore helps with advice for anything you may not understand. He is an instructor with support from a wide range of ages. `I`m Ryuichi. I was brought up here at Shimoda`s ocean. Why not begin surfing in the middle of all this nature? Why not try experience the emotion you feel when taking off on a board for the first time? Lets have fun together.

Sumiko Yokoo

Name 名前
横尾 寿美子(ヨコオ スミコ)
Surfing History サーフィン暦
25 years 25年
In charge of 担当
Body board ボディーボード
Licence ライセンス
Instructor for the Japan Official Surfing Union, Marine Safety Instructor. 日本サーフィン連盟公認指導員、海上安全指導員
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Born and raised in Izu Shirahama, she is a true Shirahama child living on the highrise where you can gaze out over Shirahama`s ocean. Perfect for beginners, she is also very popular with repeaters.
`I`m always aiming for a fun school. In body boarding you become one with the wave and run so there is an emotion you`ve never experienced before. Lets have fun together.` 生まれも育ちも伊豆白浜、白浜の海を一望する高台に住む、根っからの白浜っ子です。初心者に好評のボディーボードスクールはリピーターも多く人気です。

Atsushi Sakai

Name 名前
酒井 厚志(サカイ アツシ)
Surfing History サーフィン暦
33 years 33年
In charge of 担当
Surfing, Long board, Stand Up Paddle board サーフィン・ロングボード・SUP
Licence ライセンス
Instructor for the Japan Official Surfing Union, Marine Safety Instructor, NSA (Nippon Surfing Association) Official Judge. 日本サーフィン連盟公認指導員、海上安全指導員、NSA公認ジャッジ
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Shirahama Marina`s Representitive Director. Was an athlete participant in competitions up until his 30s. In now active in world wide competitions as a judge, coach and manager. The accuracy in his advice due to his long experience is very popular among students. ` I have lived 33 years of surfing in which I started with the motive to be cool among the girls. Recently I`m not cool at all but surfing is just so fun I can`t quit. I want to teach that fun surfing to as many people as possible. I`m waiting here at Shirahama`s ocean.`

Tomihisa Yoshizawa

Name 名前
吉澤 富久(ヨシザワ トミヒサ)
Surfing History サーフィン暦
28 years 28年
In charge of 担当
Surfing, Long board サーフィン・ロングボード
Licence ライセンス
NSA (Nippon Surfing Association) Official Judge NSA公認ジャッジ
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Is Shirahama Marina`s shop manager. Is watching over Shirahama`s ocean 365 days of the year. You`ll never go wrong if you get his advice on surfboards, body boards and wetsuits. His school is fun and well known for being easy to understand.
`I am aiming for a kind, polite, fulfilling school with aftercare too. Please leave to me even the selection of boards before and after school.`

Wataru Iida

Name 名前
飯田 旦(イイダ ワタル)
Surfing History サーフィン暦
33 years 33年
In charge of 担当
Surfing, Long board サーフィン・ロングボード
Licence ライセンス
2nd Level Class Certificate of the Japanese Surfing Union, NSA (Nippon Surfing Association) Official Judge. 日本サーフィン連盟クラス認定2級・NSA公認ジャッジ
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Has created many boards as a surf board shaper. He is a local surfer who shows off stylish riding on both short board and long board. Easy to understand, kind and popular at the school.
`I have 20 years experience at making boards. Please keep asking anything you don`t know about boards. Please ask anything about how to enjoy time at the ocean.`

Shigeki Matsui

Name 名前
松井 重貴(マツイ シゲキ)
Surfing History サーフィン暦
4 years 4年
In charge of 担当
Surfing サーフィン
Licence ライセンス
Surfing Australia Level 1 Instructors Licence. サーフィンオーストラリアLevel1インストラクターライセンス
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Started work at Shirahama Marina after graduating from a sports university. Has enjoyed surfing since his school days and is a hard worker who seems to be in the ocean everyday improving. The advice from he gained from hard effort is very popular among the students.
`I`m surfing everyday here at Shirahama`s ocean so if you ever see me be sure to say hi. Lets surf together.`

Tomohiro Shiroiwa

Name 名前
白岩 智広(シロイワ トモヒロ)
Surfing History サーフィン暦
21 years 21年
In charge of 担当
Surfing, Long board, Stand Up Paddle board サーフィン・ロングボード・SUP
Licence ライセンス
NSA (Nippon Surfing Assocciation) Official Judge NSA公認ジャッジ
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Is having fun with short board and long board depending on the wave conditions. As well as working as Shirahama Marina staff he is active as an instructor, contest judge, surf board repairer and multi.
`Shirahama`s ocean is a leader even in Japan for its water`s clearness. If you`re going to start, why don`t you have your first take off at Shirahama`s completely white sand coast? I`m awaiting your arrival.`

Namiko Komatsu

Name 名前
小松 菜美子(コマツ ナミコ)
Surfing History サーフィン暦
10 years 10年
In charge of 担当
Surfing サーフィン
Licence ライセンス
3nd Level Class Certificate of the Japanese Surfing Union, NSA (Nippon Surfing Association) Official Judge. 日本サーフィン連盟クラス認定3級・NSA公認ジャッジ
Instructor for the Japan Official Surfing Union, Marine Safety Instructor. 日本サーフィン連盟公認指導員、海上安全指導員
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